Rabu, 09 April 2008

Foundation Of Literature

Name : Laelatul Badriyah
NPM : 06211210278
Smt/Class : IV/B
Subject : Foundation Of Literature

Beowulf Poem
Author : Johann W. Von Goethe
Title : The Holy Longing


The content of the poem is there is a man who loves with a woman but he was left by her because she was passed a way. In the calm night, the man fell longing with her. Although they stay in the different place but the longing still caught him untill the man insane because of it. I think he is a stupid man because only causes the girl he become stress . As my experience, I have ever experience, I am left with my boyfriend. When it was happened I felt so sad and untill I dont want to eat and I'm lost my spirit to study. But, I thought it is not useful and my life must go on with or without him.

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